With the holidays coming and a new year approaching, it’s a great time for reflection and gratitude. At MGK, we’re grateful for our pest management community and the many partners working to protect their communities from the pests that cause disease and destruction.

That’s a goal we share.

We firmly believe that no child should have to live in a home with a pest infestation. But the reality is that after paying for food, rent and utilities, families having tough times simply don’t have the budget for costly pest treatments.

That’s where P.E.S.T. Relief International steps in. This organization joins together professionals in the Pest Management Industry to empower, sustain, and transform lives.

We are honored to have worked with P.E.S.T. Relief International and its founder Andrea Hancock with several initiatives over the past year to support families in need.

Mary’s REST

Mary and her five children were given a happy holiday and a bed-bug-free home last December, thanks to donated services by a local PMP, gifts from P.E.S.T. Relief International and product donations from MGK.

Mary, through an act of her own kindness, ended up with a bed bug infestation in her home. In addition to getting the bed bug situation under control, P.E.S.T. Relief International and other donors were able to provide Mary and her family a Christmas tree, decorations and presents!

Read the article in Pest Management Professional Magazine

The Hope Project of North Carolina

Through groups like The Hope Project of NC, we can help people get the health care they need.

For a senior couple on a limited income, a pest control infestation threatened their access to home health services; a health provider would not be sent to their home without remediation. With another donation of CrossFire, MGK was able to help this couple get the bed bug treatment they needed, making their home – and lives – healthier.

And in an effort to support The Hope Project in the future, MGK was able to donate additional product that will be used to help many more families struggling with similar infestations. Beyond that, we were able to make available expertise with protocols, practices and products through MGK’s Technical Services team.

“Words cannot express our gratitude toward you for your kindness and your generosity. On behalf of all of those that will benefit from your donation and from myself for helping me live and fulfill my passion, THANK YOU!” said Thomas M Grant Sr, founder of The H.O.P.E. Project of North Carolina.

This past year certainly wasn’t what we expected, but it was truly a privilege to be part of these amazing projects to help families in need. And that’s something we’ll take with us into 2021 and beyond.

Learn more about P.E.S.T. Relief International in their Annual Report.

Looking for an easy way to help P.E.S.T. Relief International? Make them your charity of choice on Amazon Smile and they’ll get a donation with every purchase.

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